
Implementation of Large Language Models
in Dialogue-Based Peer Feedback and Investigation of Its Effects

This project is supported by TUBITAK within the scope of 3501 - Career Development Program. Project No: 323K213

Goals and Objectives

Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education

The proposed project aims to advance peer feedback applications by effectively integrating artificial intelligence into university education.
The project aims to offer recommendations based on scientific findings for policies aimed at the correct and effective integration of artificial intelligence into education.

The role of LLM in Education

  • This project will produce conference papers, presentations, and articles related to pilot and experimental studies to be carried out in various work packages. The peer feedback system will be opened for use by other universities. Various trainings and workshops related to artificial intelligence will be organized at universities.
  • This project will personalize students’ learning processes through the artificial intelligence-supported feedback system and contribute to increasing quality and accessibility in education. The project results will be shared with important institutions in Turkey (for example, YÖK and MEB), guiding the policies of implementing artificial intelligence in education nationwide.

Method of the Project

This project will address the research questions with both quantitative and qualitative methods using mixed-methods triangulation. Experimental studies and descriptive-descriptive approaches will be used to measure the effects of artificial intelligence support. The study will be conducted with the approval of the METU Human Research Ethics Committee.